At LOVE2EARN, Remy prides herself on providing highly individualized and tailored support to each child in order to effectively target their unique needs and goals. Whether you are a parent seeking 1:1 tutoring, early intervention, SEIT, or enrichment opportunities to enhance your child's skills, LOVE2LEARN is dedicated to providing assistance. With Remy's extensive educational background, she is able to customize sessions for learners who struggle with a traditional approach to learning. Unlike larger tutoring companies, LOVE2LEARN employs a boutique-style approach, ensuring that each student receives personalized attention. Remy works closely with each child's family, caregivers, and educational team, including speech, OT, PT, and classroom teachers, to share goals and provide feedback to ensure effective carryover in her sessions. Sessions are highly interactive and engaging, as Remy utilizes a variety of multisensory tools to create a hands-on learning experience.
What LOVE2LEARN can help your child with: